Fight the Man (A Society6 Collection)

Hey Society6,

My name is Ben. I'm particularly skilled at anything that'll worry my poor mother. I've been adopted into the S6 fam to produce content that exposes more of your art to the world. You'll see me interview artists, highlight new members our community is high-fiving, build collections I'd hang in my house, and sharing as much information as possible on new ways to grow your shop.

In honor of trading eight years of freelance for a full-time writing gig, I put together this collection to commemorate my new commute, desk and burden of wearing pants as a pre-requisite for getting a pay check.

Fight the Man

Social Class by Glenda Tse

Glenda Tse

The zombies of everyday commuting by Marija Tiurina

Marija Tiurina

Fight the Man (A Society6 Collection)

Budi Satria Kwan

Fight the Man (A Society6 Collection)

Lenka Simeckova

Fight the Man (A Society6 Collection)


Boss by Max Elbo

Max Elbo

Fight the Man (A Society6 Collection)


Stigma by Corinne Reid

Corinne Reid

Buy Me!!! by YONIL


It Cannot Be! by Alec Goss

Alec Goss

Monster in an office chair with exploded head by Carp Matthew

Carp Matthew

Fight the Man (A Society6 Collection)

Josh Ln

and shoes.

Artist Feature




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