There are many different ways of telling stories, some are told by words, some by music, and many are told through art. Samantha Jane’s work is an example of this as every picture she creates is a unique story with many twists and turns that can turn out differently then she first imagined it. As she says, "the paintbrush has a mind of it's own". She uses her paintbrush to tell a story with every picture she creates, being motivated by taking herself out of her comfort zone and testing boundaries. Specializing in abstract and Mixed Media Smash art, and being inspired by the music she loves and family around her in her home in Little Rock, AR Samantha creates her art using such mediums as acrylic paint, molding paste, wood and even trash. She loves to create paintings that are not only colorful and vibrant but that can also be physically touched and felt. As she says "the start of each canvas is a journey to me from infancy to maturity. What I can't explain to you in words I can show you with my love for colors, texture and depth." Influenced at a young age by her mother who was also a uniquely talented woman, and inspired by art and life since childhood. Samantha is a self-taught artist who is always looking for the next painting to emerge. She has also volunteered as an art teacher, hoping not only to provoke an appreciation of art through her work, but also by teaching the next generation how to tell their own stories. She hopes to inspire people with her art; as she says "I want to inspire others to see through the eyes of the artist; to see that everything in the world can be considered as".

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