This is NOT a Contest

So as many of you already know, we have just posted a new opportunity grant of our own, to work with one of you to screen print a limited edition run of 50.

We're really excited about this first product collaboration as it is serving as an experiment for us to see what we can create together in the future.

Don't worry, we're going to cover the costs and split the rest 50/50 with you. What we'd really like to focus on is quality, both in the work and the prints that we will ultimately make available right here on Society6.

I also wanted to remind everyone that Society6 does not support "contests". We feel that contests exploit and devalue the work of artists and designers. Anyone who is already doing good work is free to apply for grants on Society6, without having to submit anything. You don't have to do anything other than continue to share the work that you are already creating in order to be eligible for Society6 grants. Oh yeah, and your Studio also needs just enough nominations to make the finalist list of applicants from which the Grant Giver selects the recipient. Post well, post often and your supporters should pull through for you.

We're looking forward to collaborating with as many of you that we can, this is just the beginning.

As always, your comments are very welcomed!
Collaboration Closed on: July 18, 2009
We're picking up the tab for a limited edition screen print run of (50) that will be sold right here through Society6! We'll collaborate with you on the theme. 50/50 split for the person who's down for this experiment.
Awarded to:





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