Sell your artwork as gallery quality PRINTS on Society6!

Thanks to everyone who helped us beta test the new Product Platform for Society6 and for everyone else who showed so much excitement and patience with it.

We've officially opened up the features for everyone! Now all current and future members of Society6 can sell their artwork as gallery quality prints right here on Society6 just by making a Product Post! Look for the checkbox on the right side of the post page that says "Sell this artwork as a print", then simply upload your high-res file, set your pricing and we'll handle the rest!

We will be adding new products like iPhone and Laptop skins (and more) to the mix so stay tuned. The same artwork you've made available for sale as prints will seamlessly become available as additional products when we add them shortly.

Also, once you have posted your artwork for sale as a print, not only will it show up in the main Shop, the Charts and more, but you will also have a Store within your Studio. Look for the orange Store button on the right side in your Studio. You can use this to point friends and fans directly to all the artwork you have for sale as prints on Society6. here's an example link:

For those of you looking to throw something new on your walls, head on over to the Shop and check it out. We recently dropped our international shipping rates in half since the beta.

Stay tuned for more updates. Thanks again!
Sell your artwork as gallery quality PRINTS on Society6! by Justin Wills

sample Store button

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