S6 members Maxime Francout, Ross Christie and Simon Dovar featured in IdN v17n4: 100th Issue

Thank you to our friends at IdN for generously featuring the work of Society6 members Maxime Francout http://www.society6.com/studio/somethingweird, Ross Christie http://www.society6.com/studio/alteredbeast and Simon Dovar http://www.society6.com/studio/simpleshape

Oh, and thanks for promoting our book http://www.society6.com/studio/blog/I...ng_in_July inside front cover!

S6 members Maxime Francout, Ross Christie and Simon Dovar featured in IdN v17n4: 100th Issue by Justin Cooper

IdN v17n4: 100th Issue (Inside Front Cover)

IdN v17n4: 100th Issue by Justin Cooper

IdN v17n4: 100th Issue





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