Sheila Atchley Designs

Hello, I'm Sheila Atchley -

Preacher's wife (in full time ministry since 1993) and certified professional life coach, Jesus Freak, grace-girl, artist, speaker, writer, proud mother of four grown-ups...

...and an obnoxiously proud grandmommy of three (so far) - a three year old boy, a one year old girl, and a brand new baby grand-girl.

Words are my defining passion and my art form. I decorate my world with them. I am dedicated to helping women live artful, soulful, well-defined lives, in the context of the grace of God.

One of my passions is the middle age woman. This beautiful season of life is under-celebrated and under-valued. Middle aged women do not get enough support, by and large. I aim to change this trend in my personal life, in my professional coaching career, and with my art. After all, if we encourage the women, we encourage the world.

See my complete collection of art and jewelry at

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