Sam Taylor

I've just signed up here so for now this will be short and sweet and later I can fine tune it a little.

Ok, so I'm Australian and spend a lot of my time travelling the world. Having a love for photography and a love for travel makes it a perfect combination for capturing some pretty cool stuff.

I've been photographing for over 10 years now and have my own gallery. I offer my photos and prints on sites such as society 6 to share my images among as many communities as possible for a great price.

When people buy my images I get a feeling of satisfaction that someone else has a similar eye to me and see's the world or would like to see the world similar to the way I do. It's also a rewarding feeling that someone likes my work.

My images capture more than just image, but also a feeling and/or culture as this is where my inspiration comes from.

I'll leave it at that for now and say ciao! Happy browsing! and hope you like my images!

Pop me an email at if you like.


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