RJ Kram

I have been painting and drawing abstract images since I was a kid. There was a period of time in my life when my mother used to work very long nights and I would make it a point to create at least one new piece of artwork each night (using mostly markers) for her to come home to. It was just something I started doing to give her something to look forward to. That wasn't when I first started creating, but it was when I first felt a real connection to art and gained the realization that I could touch another person through it.

In my art I strive to balance the lines, shapes, and colors together to make an image that is unique in both composition and evocation. I have never been much for doing realism or impressionism. Not that I can't, but abstract art is me. It is a direct representation of my heart, my mind, and my soul. As such, I do hope you enjoy my creations.

Also, remember: Like art, each person is beautiful and will take more than a glace to truly appreciate.

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