petal portraits

I have always loved everything about art. I have been growing my talents in all directions for years. It's like how the saying goes "a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one". I was going to go to school to be in business and my advisor suggested graphic design because of all the art classes I took in high school. That moment has forever changed the course of my life and I am grateful. So, I'm a graphic designer, photographer (with people, food, landscapes, and nature ♡), a watercolor painter, doodler, acrylic painter, and I don't know if it counts but my son and I create pretty cool crafts together. Art and nature just make me happy, and I am excited to share some of that with the world. I typically get paid to create something for someone, but I thought I'd try making something for myself and sharing it with the world.. and see what happens.

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