Olive Ryan Art

Hi there, my name is Olive and I love creating colorful, whimsical, unique digital art. Some of my favourite themes include wild animals, tropical plants, and inspirational quotes.

I am currently based in Victoria, BC, where I just moved to begin my career as a Registered Nurse! At 33 years old, nursing is a second career that I came to after spending nearly 15 years in the world of conservation education. Surprisingly, these two careers have a lot more in common than you might think.

I spent a lot of my twenties traveling the world and living and working abroad and plan to continue that trend as I move into the field of nursing. I love bringing my passion for both animals and travel into my art and creating pieces that remind me of the places I've been, the wildlife I have seen, and the experiences I've been lucky enough to have.

Current interests: photography, playing guitar, hoola hooping, hiking and camping, teaching and practicing yoga, being a proud plant parent, eating chocolate, making art!

Life goals: attend Burning Man, visit all 7 continents, buy a house.





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