Marisa Cole

Marisa L Cole Artist | Professional | Fine Art Galleries, Book Illustration and Video Games United States Marisa Cole is an artist born in Salt Lake City. She is transgendered, was raised Mormon and was an Eagle Scout. She grew up in the Portland-Vancouver area and first gained her bachelor degree in fine art from the Pacific North West College of Art after being expelled by BYU Idaho for creating deviant art as well as drugs, alcohol, and deviant sex. Alas, Marisa was still a virgin to sex, drugs and alcohol and she never step foot into a church again. She is not an atheist but rather loves to read such as the Nag Hamadi and the Kabala. Art became in a way her religion and upon graduating from PNCA and going through a grueling thesis which was nearly the equivalent of the steps for a dissertation, she began showing in galleries.

Since 1992, Marisa has been in over 17 galleries including the Roq la rue, Portland Art Museum, Center on Contemporary Art, and the Williamsburg Art and Historical Center in NYC. Her shows are modest and her greatest achievements so far has been getting into group art shows that also included the following big names in the Surrealism and Pop Surrealism art movements. She has been in group exhibitions with H.R. Giger, Mark Ryden, Eric White, Salvador Dali, Ernst Fuchs, and Marion Peck.

While work on her fine art career she began her transition from male to female. Desperate for a way to pay for surgeries, she began teaching herself animation skills in hopes to get into games or film. She has worked with a couple of start ups but is still hoping for a AAA gig and a published title.

Marisa has also worked a bit with comics both book and editorial. She has worked a bit in fashion textile design. She has done some commercial illustration and is published in print. Much of her work geared more commercially for games and film is on LinkedIn. Some of her pop art and science fiction illustrations can be viewed there as well. She has painted over 150 oils, acrylic and water color paintings and hopes soon to make these all available as well as her digital art work. There are three big names whom collect her work among all those whom have bought her art and personally collect.

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