marisa artista

Marisa Avelar is a graphic designer, painter and mixed media artist born and raised in Houston, TX currently in Brooklyn, NY. After beginning with traditional oil works, she ventured into mixed media pieces combining paint, found objects, and fabric. As a fine artist, her influences include the magic realism of her Latin American culture and the art and philosophy of the dadaists. In her work she attempts to capture moments and memories and evoke the sense of wonder and awe in life that we have often forgotten. She likes to think her mixed media work, much like life, is filled with chance meetings and random circumstances that come together to form a path or destiny; the combination of random objects come together to create a new work of art. As a graphic designer, she is attracted to the play of  type and vintage advertising as well as the clean beautiful work of the modernists. Whether working in graphic design or painting she enjoys problem solving and experimenting.

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