Cities of Basketball

Originally the idea for Cities of Basketball sprung from passion for the game of basketball, the shear love of traveling and that I’m the quintessential fan. As time past and the project slowly grew it became a relieve for work related stress, and quickly developed into a never ending journey to document and portray basketball from cities around the world. I’m inspired to show that basketball is a global language with deep roots, and that basketball in it’s roughed form reveals an aesthetic, cultural and graceful movement that is taking place on playgrounds daily.

I don’t anchor my project of being a professional photographer, I earn my living with other digital tools, nor is there no deadline, because like the Nike campaign said:”Basketball Never Stops”. No, it’s anchored around the love for a sport. A sport I’ve play organised at a high level for many years, and through it gained good friends around the world. Something I’m truly appreciative of and surely benefitting from in huge lengths.

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