Paper Bread Studio

My name is Chris. ​ As a kid, I fell in love with children's literature and picture books. When I wasn't outside getting messy in the dirt, you would have likely found me hiding away in my room for hours on end drawing fantastical nature-filled worlds inhabited by people, and creatures, and witches and magicians. Now that I'm older, my playful imagination hasn't changed.

As a freelance illustrator, I specialize in illustrations for kids books, magazines, educational products and visual development for animation, but my awe of the natural world and the celebration of the creative spirit are the embers that ignite and inspire me the most. I always feel the most at home when I'm exploring, making things, and breathing life into ideas in ways that excite and inspire my clients and their fans. ​ I'm a native of Michigan, but I currently reside in Beacon, NY with my husband and 7 year old shepherd/ lab rescue dog, Cosmo. ​

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