Amanda Ryan


Amanda is a Digital Artist who prides herself for being pretty much self-taught, and apart from gaining qualifications in Art on leaving High School - and fleetingly studying calligraphy thereafter - Amanda is otherwise self-educated. Much of Amanda's inspiration is taken from folklore, fantasy, Victorian fey, Egyptology and Dreams.

While Amanda still delights in creating her idiosyncratic renderings in traditional medium such as pencil, charcoal, oil paints and acrylics; nowadays Amanda's preferred tools of the trades are digitally orientated, and primarily consist of Adobe® Photoshop® CS6, Corel® Painter™12 and a Wacom® Bamboo™ tablet.

When Amanda is not creating art, she relaxes by reading books. Among her favourite authors are Stephen King, Anne Rice, Emily Brontë, Patricia Cornwell, Tim Burton and Tom Baker. Likewise, Amanda is a staunch follower of early Hammer Film Productions, Amanda currently resides in Warrington, with her husband, Paul.

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