
Abigail Liebhart’s primary language of communication is paint. For her, art is a reflection of the images in her mind that cannot be explained in sentences and formal words—a concretization of intangible thoughts. Her work aims to help her decipher and understand the world she experiences inside of her head. She explores the therapeutic role of art and hopes to help others being to question and understand themselves as well. Many of her paintings include the depiction of figures in a dreamscape, using techniques like light acrylic washes over dark layers and high contrasting colors to achieve ghoulish, surreal effects. During recent works, she delves deeper into herself, in attempts to take control of the lens through which she is seen and depicts imagery that represents her unadulterated self. Her subject matter does not shy from the grotesque, raw, and unsettling. Just as she uses her art to face her demons, she hopes to help those who view her work become familiar with their fears.

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