Tina Crespo

Hi, friend. I'm Tina - an abstract artist painting with all the colors while creating vibrant product photography for my small biz folks.

You want to hear more? Really? Ok!

I was ready to throw in the towel on my dream career as a commercial photographer because I was drained, overtired, and too creatively spent to put energy into anything other than what happened within the walls of our commercial studio. It took a trip to Mexico to see that creation outside of my regular job needed to happen. During this time, I witnessed and captured colors and textures I had only dreamed of. It all felt magical and not of this world, yet…here it was. I was reminded of how much natural beauty I was missing in my day to day. It felt like a door opening and I thought to myself, “If I feel this way, who else could be feeling the same?”

I never considered myself an artist and yet the pull to make something with my hands continued to grow. This led to hours of (and endless days of messy hair) teaching myself how to paint, taking daily walks in nature, and connecting to a new side of my creativity.

My work has evolved in many ways since that trip to Mexico, but one thing has remained the same: I’d like this artwork to take you into a place of warmth and resilience. Allowing you to bring this feeling more to the forefront of your home and space. A reminder of the colorful, wondrous world around us (and inside of us).


My work has been featured in Urban Outfitters, Elle Decor UK, NY's Mag's TheCut.come, Apartment Therapy, SFGirlByBay, Creature Comforts, and Philly.com


L E A R N M O R E → www.tinacrespo.com

P R O D U C T P H O T O → www.tinacrespo.com/product-photo

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