
asphensia /asfɛnsɪə/ {ass-fen-see-uh} n.

Asphensia is the pseudonym of an Artist based in Oxford, UK. He focuses on creating pen & ink illustrations and portraiture but is also interested in painting, graphic design and typography.

1 a a condition or state of mind in which a person is masterfully able to reframe all negative perceptions without external aid.

1 b the feelings or experiences induced by this state e.g an overwhelming lack of hindrance.

1 c the ability to automatically see good in things with little or no effort.

2 a med. any side effects resulting from prolongued or excessive asphensic behaviour e.g an inability to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy environments.

2 b the cognitive restructuring associated with any of these side effects.

▫ asphensic /asfɛnsɪk/ adj. & n. [greek asphēn ‘without wedge’ (as ᴀ- + sphēn ‘wedge’ + ꜱɪᴀ)]

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